5 peace stealers

Rainbow and elk

Peace is freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility. “you can while away an hour or two in peace and seclusion”.

Synonyms are tranquility, calm, restfulness, peace and quiet, peacefulness, quiet, quietness.

Mental calm and serenity. Equanimity, composure, ease, contentment, “peace of mind”.

If you don’t have peace, what are some of the reasons and what can you do about it?

1.Overload-  overbooked and over committed.  A fog of dismemory settles around you with lightning bolts of anxiety.

Solution- let someone else do something. They will never do it quite like you do, but that’s ok.

You don’t have to live overloaded and stressed out.

2. Choices- that you regret or feel like you just can’t live with. A fog of sadness settles over you with three despondent cousins- depression, sleeplessness and apathy.

Solution- keep in mind that we are not defined by where we have been, the choices we made there, where we are now but by the choices we make everyday and where we will be.

You don’t have to live in the past or keep looking through a book of “what if’s”.

3. Inactivity- not sure what to do, so you do nothing day after day after day. A fog of bleakness settles within you, punctuated with flashes of an idea that is quickly squashed with the fear of one wrong move ruining what peace you have mustered and can’t afford to lose.

Solution- believe that whether you think you can or think you can’t, you are right. Do something even if it’s wrong. Rest in knowing you made a choice to do something, to the best of your ability and with all the wisdom available.

You don’t have to live caught in limbo. This life passes by much too quickly. Pick yourself up and move forward.

4. Finances- that are out of control. A fog of worry settles in every aspect of life, with helplessness and hopelessness staring back from every corner.

Solution- take charge of your money and tell it where to go. The antidote to being broke is to go to work. Get a second job and use your income to dig out of debt.

You don’t have to live under the hateful master of money.

5. Relationships- that do not satisfy either primary party. A fog of neediness blurs the lines where hopes and dreams do not meet with the reality of our true selves.

Solution- believe what you see and feel, not what you hear. Listen and trust yourself. If you can’t trust yourself, who can you trust. Relationships are complex and take two to tango. Walk a mile in the other person’s moccasins. It may change your perspective and reset your contentment level.

You don’t have to live with ambivalence in relationships. There are no perfect people.

These are just 5 peace stealers. If you have ever felt peaceful, you know the true treasure that peace is to you and those who are in your life. If you are not at peace, you disturb the peacefulness of others. Make choices that lead to peace and a more tranquil approach to life.