
I was thinking about patterns and thought, well what are they? Merriam Webster :  Full Definition of PATTERN 1:  a form or model proposed for imitation :  exemplar 2:  something designed or used as a model for making things <a dressmaker’s pattern>…


Have you ever felt “speechless”? Webster defines it as: unable to speak because of anger, surprise, etc., not capable of being expressed in words Oftentimes, in a natural setting. With a beautiful sunrise or out sailing or watching birds. Rarely, with another person,…

snow day

There are several ways to wake up to a crisp new snow. You might wake in the dark and find your pipes frozen , therefore feel like you were in a panic. Or you could wake in the daylight to a…


Succinct?  Who me? Be succinct.  Remember that elegant writing takes careful effort.  It takes multiple drafts.  It takes writing, walking away, thinking it over, returning, editing, substituting, refining, and then seeking and using feedback. Do you think Mark Twain really…

view of nothing

Have you ever received a phone text and responded “got nothing here”. What does that mean? Well, from my experience, it is usually a comment from a man and means there is nothing new or nothing to share or nothing going on…


What is a wingspan? I heard a speaker mention stretching to “my” full wingspan and I have thought more about spreading my wings. According to Merriam Webster, its the distance from the tip of one wing of a bird or airplane to…