
owl cousin

What is a wingspan? I heard a speaker mention stretching to “my” full wingspan and I have thought more about spreading my wings. According to Merriam Webster, its the distance from the tip of one wing of a bird or airplane to the tip of the other wing.

wingspan multiple

Is it like a “shadow”? I have heard that we can live in someone else’s shadow, so can we live under their wingspan? Are we casting a shadow over others when we spread our wings?

Is a wingspan a metaphor like a “footprint”? We are cautioned to try to live within a small footprint to preserve the earth’s resources.Is it like having “big shoes” to fill? Is bigger better?

I think in this case, it is. I think “big shoes” to fill means you are a “hard act to follow” or you have made a “footprint” that is clear and easy to follow. They can step into the footprint and still not change the shape of what you have laid out before them.

A bird with a big wingspan can fly higher, fly further, fly faster, fly where others cannot go. I think we should pay attention to our personal wingspans.wingspan

Don’t birds fly out of the nest when they can spread their wings out and are ready to launch? That first flight is scary, but most of the time they make it just fine.owl 2014 2

Don’t birds stretch their wings to fly to their highest and best?

If you have the ability to spread your wings and fly further and better than ever before, what’s stopping you? If you have been sitting crouched up with your wings folded beneath you or letting them atrophy from disuse, what’s to stop you from using everything you have within your reach, to do all that you are capable of?

The only limits on what we can do, where we can extend our influence and where we can soar are mostly self imposed. We can all exert ourselves and step out. We can see how wide our wings will spread and how high we can go and how quickly we can get there.

Recently, I’ve seen several “owl” images again. Remember last year, when I had the owl dream? Well, notice these owl photos taken by a friend posted for you here. I believe the owl metaphor is symbolic of wisdom and intuitive knowledge. Owl 2014

Have you noticed how some of us are intuitive and some are thought based? This is just a reaffirmation that it’s time to allow my intuitive knowledge that cannot be explained or proven to guide me in reaching out for my full wingspan. I am ready.:) I wonder how big it really is?