
Osprey pair

A nice looking Osprey couple, out to watch the evening sunset. These fish eating birds of prey mate for life and are devoted parents. The young osprey are full grown by about 6 weeks old and leave the nest around 8 weeks. The girls leave first, and then the boys. The parents separate and return to find each other the next Spring. The cycle starts again.

How do they mate for life and then separate every year for long periods of migration? Mates do not see each other again after they raise their young, until they reunite at the nest again in the following spring. How is this possible? The Dad Osprey courts the Mom for several weeks and then Mom sits on the eggs. During that time, Dad osprey hunts for fish and after the eggs hatch, he continues for six weeks to feed mom and his 2-4 fledglings.  Every day, all day, he brings his family food.

When the family separate and fly south in the fall, I wonder how they feel. Is there any connection between bird members? If Mom and Dad mate for life, surely they have something more than a homing device to find the right nest, the next Spring. It is an interesting phenomena. One that I watch with wonder, every year!