Not a cloud in the sky

Summer 2015 942

Would we even notice a sky that didn’t have some interesting cloud formations?  A boater told me that the clouds indicate the nearness of a land mass, so a cloudless sky would be more likely to exist out  in open water.

In my mind, “not a cloud in the sky” meant no problems, no obstacles and no worries. With no clouds, there is nothing in sight to darken the day or cut out the sunshine.  All signs point that happy times are here today and here to stay!

Summer 2015 203It also means there is no rain in the forecast.  How many times do you see the clouds rolling in, when there is a storm forming? Rain is fine, when you are inside warm and dry. It’s grueling when you are in a rainstorm trying to get inside or trapped outside manning the wheel of a boat. So, perhaps it is a sailor’s term to indicate the weather is stable.

Of course, the person who told me they wanted to write their memoirs and name the book, “Not a Cloud in the Sky” has other things in mind. They didn’t mean literal clouds. They meant sailing through life from one adventure to another with nothing to disturb their enjoyment until they come to the end, where they intend to find nothing more- not even a cloud in the sky. The blue eternity of nothingness. If you look up and there is nothing to change the texture or add some color…..where does anything end or anything else begin? That’s the story line of his book. What will your story be? What do you think it means?