

Yes, these color choices are grounds for negotiations. I always thought that negotiations were reserved for big places like car dealerships, job offers, trade deals or world peace. I have since learned that when tastes differ widely, there is a lot of heated discussion and strong arm negotiation to get to a final decision.  Is it any wonder that parenting, house remodeling or even painting can prompt the best negotiations you have ever witnessed ?

According to Merriam Webster, negotiation means “discussion aimed at reaching an agreement.”  I thought it meant strategy and subtle influence and getting the best deal. Nope, it just means “Discussion” that is meant to end in an agreement.

Well, if that is the case, I have been in negotiations with someone about a boat for a while now. I didn’t think of it that way, but if it’s really just having discussions to reach an agreement, I wonder why we haven’t gotten there yet? Maybe, we prefer the shopping to the agreement? Hmmm… Take a look at this one. Isn’t she a beauty?


Too old? What? Too much brightwork? Too much to keep at the marina? Well, I guess that’s why my negotiations have not ended in agreement- YET. LOL. I will keep at it. And, perhaps, I can learn something from observing how these paint negotiations proceed and end. Lifelong learner, that’s me!