
Turkish Proverb:
 “No matter how far you have gone on a wrong road, turn back.”
Correction fluid is one of the hazardous chemicals in an office setting with its own MDS ( material data safety) sheet. How many folks still use that stuff? It’s been outlawed in my field, since any corrections are to be made with a single strike through, dated and signed.
I have never liked to “correct” my work or edit or even go back and make any changes on a test. Most of the time, it never worked out to my benefit. The way it has worked for me is “the first answer, is the best answer”, so I go with my first response. Of course, I have seen that editing and revising and reducing and making improvements in my writing would help my readers understand what I am saying!!!
How many people have stayed in a situation that they “knew” wasn’t what they wanted, because they didn’t want to have to make a change or backtrack or undo what they had done? It looks like you are a solid citizen if you make decisions and stick with them.
But, the proverb states no matter how far you went down a wrong road, turn back.
A  coach is someone who can give correction without causing  resentment.- John  Wooden
What about correcting your bad habits or recovering from bad decisions?
How many of us presently weigh more than we did at age 18? How many of us would like to “correct” that? How many of us have done more than think about it? Who has become discouraged or given up? Why not try something new and different?
Remember the proverb: You are never too far down the wrong path or in the wrong place or headed in the wrong direction- to turn around, turn back or turn to a better way.
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