
white-brown-snowIn the last week, I have been struck by a brown deer and saw my first white deer in a dream.  On Saturday, I was literally hit by a deer while driving in my little Honda Civic. I wondered why that happened.

Are there really any accidents in life?

Most of us are aware we have a choice in every moment, about everything.

When deciding on any action or non-action in our lives, we have two choices:

  1. We can choose to follow our intuition-heart-spirit-inner knowing-gut feeling of rightness. This route could be called the most optimum way to experience life – giving us the least hassle and struggle and the gentlest learning and growth.
  2. We can also make a choice by ‘thinking’ something out or letting our ego decide. An ego based decision is made from what we think of ourselves or what we think others will think of us. Choosing via the head or the ego could be seen as the least desirable path for us to follow, as it involves a great deal of learning and additional trauma for us. ( Light Ascension )

So, when I had an accident with a deer on the highway, I asked myself does this mean that deer is my spirit animal?  The deer totem wisdom imparts those with a special connection with this animal with the ability to be vigilant, move quickly, and trust their instincts to get out the trickiest situations.

Then, I asked myself ” why were you there at that place and at that time. Why did this happen to you?”  I had just left a class reunion that I helped plan on the date chosen by our class president.  I was surprised that he and about 5 others who had promised to come had skipped out on us. The kicker was that I agreed to  set a date that was inconvenient for myself, to satisfy the schedule of the president who didn’t show up. Before I left the river, a woman wanted to take food home, so she had packaged up food ostensibly for me to take home that I did not want for reasons I couldn’t fathom. My mother wanted to see me before I left town, so I agreed to stop by when I did not have time thinking I could at least drop off these seafood dinners to my mom and my brother. When I arrived 15 minutes later, he was eating a sandwich that she kept making even when she knew I was coming. He prefers seafood, so I don’t know if he ate it or not. Because of my decision to suit other people’s schedules, I was in the exact spot where a deer got caught in the cross headlights of two cars traveling at 55 mph. At the same time, deep down, I was wishing myself anywhere but here.  I didn’t want to drive 300 miles on Thursday night and turn around and drive 300 miles back three days later. To be honest, I was not doing anything that I wanted to do and nothing was working out the way I wished. Is this any surprise, really?

Last night, I dreamed of a family of white deer.   I had no idea they even existed until I discovered the largest herd are the Seneca White Deer in New York State.

The White Deer symbolism is magical. When did things change? I got on a plane to travel to a place I had never been. I was dreading the 5 hour flight.  Preparing for takeoff, a gentleman asked, “Can I sit here?” and pointed to the middle seat on row 13 of an Airbus. He had calm energy and talked about all kinds of things that I found interesting. The time flew. Then, I went to a park by the lake that smelled like Christmas trees. Next, I tasted a lemon bundt cake that melted in my mouth. This morning, I woke up with visions of non-profits, water, and a family of white deer moving peacefully among dogs and cows.

Are there any accidents or does everything happen for a reason. At Target, we saw white deer, silver deer with white neck covers, gold deer heads with antlers and other deer decorations for Christmas. At the chocolate factory, I saw deer antlers on the barn. What does it all mean?  Well, dream interpretations are plentiful. Dreaming of a deer means amazing news in on its way along with a better fortune, especially in regards with love life and marriage.Dreaming of a deer with her fawn means that you will have some money in the coming future. Dreaming of many deer together means that you will have a peaceful life.

Deer are known to be very edgy animals and will generally run away at the chance or small signal of danger. These attributes have some significance on dreams and thereby real life. These can be linked to the behavioral trait of having a nervous tension and personality. These people are coy while expressing their emotions and generally considered as introvert. They also symbolize tremendous grace in the dreamer and kindness at heart. It is generally a good symbol unless some negative factors are viewed.

Deer dreams are considered favorable and lucky to have. These can denote the pure character and several future elements. In ancient times, people used to believe them as messengers of fairies which are always connected with something positive or divine. You can get the meaning by the fact that mostly the vehicles of god or celestial characters are drove by deer (Santa Claus). It was also considered that dreams about deer denote the deep and true friendship with your best pal. 

My car is in the shop. I have a rental car and in a few weeks, everything will be back to normal. Or , if you consider what I have discovered, it will be better than ever!