Do it now

Many of us are carrying heavy burdens, some are facing deep sadness because of our circumstances in our own life and the world in which we live. It’s difficult at the end of the day, we’ve all taken in so much. Always end your day with a prayer. Tell God your worries, voice to Him your concerns …

Do it now. Remove unnecessary fear. You may be anxious about some upcoming event or task that you know you ought to do.

Do you have a phone call to make? Do it now. Do  you have an email to send? Do it now. Don’t postpone to tomorrow what should be done today. Worry comes from the German word that means “to strangle”. That’s what worry does- it strangles the joy out of life.

Procrastination is not your friend. The military expects soldiers to be productive no matter what they are facing. In fact one of their quotes is “Doing it now, sir”.  There is no time like the present to get things done. Take them off your list and move on.