

Excuses are lies wrapped in a reason. It’s something you come up with when you really don’t want to do what it takes. They paralyze action.

If you know you should do something or have a dream deep in your heart, don’t convince yourself that nothing you do will matter or there is no way what you do will make a difference to the outcome. Do what you can do and God will add His supernatural power to help you do what you thought you couldn’t.

You can’t sit still and believe it won’t work or you can’t do anything about it. The way to break out of failure and the inability to change your life is to take time to do what you can and trust God to do the rest. It won’t happen with wishing and hoping, but it will happen with praying and working. Don’t procrastinate. Don’t wait for the “time to be right”. There is not better time than the present.

Procrastination is to put off what you can do today for tomorrow. It gets to be a habit and can be hard to shift out of.

A better habit is to make a list and start working through it. Nobody with a good list finishes it all in one day and maybe not even all in a lifetime. When we stop looking forward and reaching out, we have stopped really living.

There are three reasons for procrastination. 1. Indecisiveness- we can’t make up our minds about what to do- so you never end up doing anything, 2. perfectionism- we won’t do anything until we think we can do everything- if you can’t do it the way you want to do it, you just don’t do anything, 3. Laziness- you don’t want to do it- one day I plan to do it, but not today. Good intentions do not equal making progress towards anything. There are no rewards for good intentions.

Ecclesiastes 11:4. He who observes the wind and waits for all conditions to be favorable will not sow and he who regards the clouds will not reap. Amplified Bible

Come out of the whole life pattern of excuse making- don’t wait til conditions are perfect and refuse to be lazy in your life. Everything starts with one simple decision. If we know what is right to do and don’t do it, that is sin.