indomitable spirit

Sunrise September 2017

Today, I heard myself tell someone that I had turned my “indomitable spirit” and all my energy toward “me”. I tried spelling it three times and finally looked it up in Merriam Webster. I thought it was spelled indominateable- that you could not be dominated- but that was wrong! Or was it? I knew the meaning.

Spirit also means to impart courage and determination. Put together, indomitable spirit is that part of a person which makes them unique, that part of a person which provides hope, strength and courage to get up and face each day with a smile. 

Indomitable spirit is perseverance on a long term basis.a spirit that cannot be subdued or overcome, as persons, will, or courage; unconquerable: an indomitable warrior.  It is shown when a courageous person and his principles are pitted against overwhelming odds. (Urban Dictionary)

The woods are lovely, dark and deep.

But I have promises to keep,

And miles to go before I sleep,

And miles to go before I sleep.

(Robert Frost, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening)

sun over pier

Perseverance is the greatest indicator of success- not looks, intellect, wealth, family of origin, education- none of this trumps just staying with something for the long haul.

It is always amazing how right when we are tempted to give up- we can’t go further, we can’t do more, we can’t face the next event- we are closer than ever to a breakthrough. Stick it out! Hold on. Just keep doing what you know how to do until what you don’t know is clear.

It reminded me of the words of a wise friend who said, Peg- if you would focus the energy you spend doing good for all your worthy causes- your family, your students, your friends,your nonprofits, your world- into caring for yourself- the sky is the limit .

Today, I had a visit from my two sons- arriving separately and to my delighted surprise. They went out of their way on their way home hours away to stop by and see me. I saw the gentle, loving care in their eyes and the ready offers to do little things for me. One fixed up my Fire Stick for the TV while the other took out the trash. It’s the act of love that reinvigorates us, renews our strength, stirs our spirit and feels like sunshine on our souls. Whatever you face-move forward with a clear head and a strong heart. Follow your indomitable spirit!

Sunset Coloration