Joy of Living

Joie de vivre is a French phrase that means literally “joy of living.” It is defined in Webster as a “buoyant and keen enjoyment of life”. What causes each of us to feel fully alive and joyful? That is our “passion” and we are to pursue it with all our being.
Think about it. Are we finding an audacious way to never have another bad day? Are we helping others find their joy and live more fully?
Who has a copy of The Joy of Cooking? In a tribute to 80 years in print,
“the original Joy of Cooking was mind over matter, the perfect mix of attitude and function. Even as times have changed, the Joy stands out as a watershed volume, a book that speaks to the very heart of who we want to be in the kitchen: producers of our own story, directors of the good American life.” Everything circles back to food!!!!