Resolves or resolvins?

Knee pain- how prevalent is it? How many of us played sports in our younger days? How many had a job that kept them on hard floors for long hours for years? How many of you know someone with a “hurting” knee? What about someone with a knee replacement? Who knows someone over 50 or someone who is overweight? Is that everyone, by now? 🙂

Web MD says, “knee pain is incredibly common. In the United States, it’s responsible for about 1/3 of all doctor’s visits for muscle and bone pain. Knee pain is a special problem for athletes — over half of all athletes endure it every year.”

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According to the National Institutes of Health, knee pain can be caused by about 15 different reasons and treated about 15 different ways.

Has anyone ever known anyone who started with a bit of a problem and ended up better off than before they noticed the onset of symptoms? Even when the knee is totally replaced, it is NEVER like the real original uncomplaining knee you started out with in childhood, that is now gone forever!  No thank you!

I have observed this phenomenon for years, but didn’t ever think it would “happen to me”. Why? As human beings, we just seem to have this natural way of ignoring what is right in front of us. We see what happens to other people, but we purposefully choose to believe that it can’t happen to us. We watch our grandparents age, but for some reason, we don’t expect the same fate. Call this your “wake up ” call!!! You can not run off to the beach and expect everything to be fine, this time!!

What does resolve have to do with any of this? It will take a lot, to halt the changes already in action or possibly regenerate some fresh possiblities. I am only suggesting one body part, but the idea will spread to the rest of your body. Give it a little time.

If we all KNOW that our knees are going to be a problem, it’s not IF, it’s when- just a matter of time if we live long enough, then we all RESOLVE to do something now. What do I suggest? Get educated about Omega 3’s. If you can hear crepitus or a rubbing sound near your knees when they move, you need increased lubrication and decreased inflammation in your joints. If your knees hurt, you need to RESOLVE to find a way to help them heal instead of taking medicine to live through their ever worsening decline. It seems to me that we should all give “RESOLVINS” a try. Why not? We know that “nutraceuticals” are being proven to help restore health in multiple ways. Dr. Udo has proposed multiple reasons to use organic “omega 3 oils”. Your health, your beauty and your sport.  Its a pleasant taste ( unlike cod liver oil) and there are even recipes to incorporate it in many healthy meals, so you wouldn’t even notice it was there. Watch his presentation on “Joint Function”.

If you notice, Dr. Udo Erasmus openly focuses on “three key nutritional aspects to assisting with joint health” .

Think about yours! Make an educated decision, today. Don’t wait. Resolve to increase your “resolvins” and keep your knees functioning well for all those future pleasures that moving your knees freely and in comfort will allow you to enjoy!

PS. I always thought aspirin was the most natural pain reliever. Now, I see that it helps release “resolvins”. Go ASA!! An apple a day or an aspirin a day, keeps the doctor away? Both?? 🙂