Reverse decisions

Scientists wrongly blamed cholesterol for heart disease, when the human body was sending it to protect against inflammation. Saturated fat is good for you! This is not surprising. Is it? Another piece of medical guidance previously supporting millions of prescriptions for Lipitor is being reversed with cellular level research.

Thirty years ago, public health officials educated the public on the dangers of cholesterol. Nurses screened for cholesterol levels at malls, in churches and wherever people gathered. Those who were noted to have levels considered “high”, or over 200 mg/dl were advised to make better choices. They were told to choose margarine over butter, choose ice milk over ice cream, choose liquid oils over saturated fats, stay away from eggs and animal foods were what affected the cholesterol level. If their dietary changes did not bring their cholesterol levels down, then they should see their doctor for medical management with medications. The message was fat is bad and carbohydrates should be the foundation of the American diet- see the food pyramid.

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Today, in 2013 , a lipid biochemist researcher at the University of Maryland and an expert in the area of dietary fat, Dr. Beverly Teter explained that cholesterol was wrongly implicated for being at the scene of the crime in heart disease. The real enemy was inflammation and still is. The cholesterol was sent to the site as the body’s way of reducing the threat of inflammation. It was never the problem. It was always the inflammation caused by the silent killers who were and still are : transfats, sugar, refined carbohydrates and omega 6 oils. Notice where the white breads ( rice, pasta, cereal, bread) are in the pyramid still used by nutritionist in the USA.

A good way to remember the good from the bad, “Is is natural and good for you?” “Bad things are made in the lab or reconfigured from their original form”.

The best thing you can do is provide sufficient healthy fats for the body to function properly and avoid the bad fats.

One type of cholesterol that is bad for you is the small dense LDL particles caused by inflammation. The two main foods that cause inflammation are transfats and sugar. Transfats attack the body on the cellular level. Transfats weaken the cell membrane, so things that shouldn’t get in like viruses get in and things that shouldn’t get out like nutrients do. Drinking pepsi, cereal, cakes, pies. Half of the sugar we consume are in high fructose corn syrup. Refined carbohydrates, like white bread and donuts deliver transfats. They affect your brain cells. The incidence of alzheimers goes up. With the weakened cell membrane, the cells can’t communicate. They are investigating the link with autism, ADHD and other neurological conditions.

The brain is 70% fat. Some recent research cites alzheimers is a “diabetes of the brain” and present the case for healthy fats to recover from these conditions. Dr. Mary Newport wrote a book, “Alzheimers, What if there was a Cure?” based on her experiences with her husband, diagnosed with the disease. In 2004, she was thrilled to find new research showing that medium-chain fatty acids, which act like an alternative fuel in the insulin-deficient Alzheimer’s brain, can sometimes reverse or at least stabilize the disease. When Dr. Newport gave her husband Steve about 2 table-spoons of coconut oil (a source of these fats) at breakfast before a memory test that he had previously failed, Steve miraculously passed the test. Since then, Steve continues to maintain improvement while taking daily doses of coconut oil and MCT (medium-chain triglyceride) oil wih meals. Coconut oil should be purchased in the natural form.

According to Dr. Teter, cholesterol has positive and protective effects: it helps create Vitamin D, protects from respiratory conditions and those with higher levels are found to live longer. According to Dr. Newport, healthy fats help reverse alzheimers.

If we always knew that the brain was a highly fatty tissue and we knew that statins worked to remove fat from the body, why hasn’t someone connected the dots before now? Probably, because researchers are paid to be detached and objective. Dr. Newport became impassioned and intent when it became personal with her family member. Dr. Newport’s story of Steve’s reprieve from Alzheimer’s provides hope for caregivers eager to learn about readily available fatty acids in foods that may reverse the changes in their loved ones,including improved memory, return of personality, resumption of activities and social interaction, and relief from certain physical symptoms. Because ketone esters, a synthesized form of these powerful fatty acids, work faster and more comprehensively than fatty acids in foods, Dr. Newport has become an ardent advocate for ketone ester research and with her goal- FDA approval.

Help her:

If you want to learn more about the physiology of therapeutic ketosis, the underlying principles are well outlined in:


I have a few more things for you to look at on that:
The Cholesterol Myths: Exposing the Fallacy that Saturated Fat and Cholesterol  Cause Heart Disease”.

You can make better choices, with better information. The premise of this website was and always will be- making educated decisions. Sometimes, we are educated by our life’s experiences which we may share or by intellectual findings based on the unerring truths of nature. The human body is a miraculous organism and with a little help from you, it can be its best!