talking horse

Horse Dream Meaning

Horse Dream Symbol – Horses are symbolic of passion, drive, and desire for personal freedom. These dreams may indicate an underlying motivation that you have that will drive you towards success.

Talking to a Horse – Talking to a horse in your dreams indicates tapping into your inner knowledge. Talking to a black horse indicates your subconscious is trying to awaken you. Listen to your intuition.
Seeing a brown or black horse in a dream could signify that you will have problems in romantic relationships but still believe in love and romance. You had bad experiences, but the amount of love and joy coming your way is gonna make you forget all about it.

I had a dream after I got a notification of a special award that I really wanted but was afraid to hope for. That night I dreamed a vivid dream that I was able to remember.

I was in a wide open space like a meadow. I was driving a small cart on a path and the horses were coming toward me but they parted to let me pass. They were different colors- a lot of reds and red/white, palominos, grays, and they were gentle. I would stop if they seemed to be too close so neither of us interrupted the path of the other.
A large black horse came up to me and lowered his head and nuzzled me with his head down on my shoulder. We had a special moment together. I said, “Thank you” and he said, “You are welcome” in perfect English.

Dream interpretations say

Horses running towards you

If many horses ran towards you in a dream, this is a good sign. This represents favorable circumstances ahead of you. If more than one horse is running in your direction, this is a sign that other people are going to reward you.

A dream about a horse talking

‘Straight from the horse’s mouth’; it’s an expression that means it is from a trusted person of authority. The meaning of it, in this case, is – what is being communicated is believed to be accurate.

Dreaming about a black horse

A black horse is a symbol of rebellion, uniqueness, ambitions, and personal goals. This type of horse always gets attention because it is so beautiful, elegant, and strong.

If you saw a black horse, that could be a sign of your need to stand out of the masses and dominate. You may have a need to be recognized for your talents.

It was a beautiful dream- I felt safe and happy- they were surrounding me and staying with me. I think it actually relates to something that happened! Black horses are always known as the strong and majestic ones.