Time in a Bottle

I want to remind a special 39 year old that each year, there is the same amount of time. Use it wisely.

Forty plus years ago, Jim Croce sang soulfully about capturing time.

Time in a Bottle- imagine if you could just pour more time out when you wanted it or wish yourself back to a sweet memory and immediately find a way back in time to enjoy the best times of your life?

How do we waste time? Here you go……………stop doing these things and you will savor your sweet time.

Stop getting angry about things you can’t do anything about.

Stop complaining.

Don’t try to buy time by getting less sleep. You just make unnecessary errors and feel bad.

Stop hurrying All this causes us to make mistakes and repeat things.

Ecclesiastes 6:9. Stop craving things that keep you from enjoying what you have.

Don’t keep living in the past. Stop talking about it and stop thinking about it.

What can you do to savor time?

Take time to deal with little problems so they don’t get bigger.

Locate the things that hijack your time and be firm in avoiding them.

We all have the same amount of time.

Seize the Day and Live with Purpose.

Live the life you love.

Stop wasting your resources and your time. We can’t save it in a bottle or create more.


Spend it where you are sure it will pay dividends and you will have no regrets when you come to the end of your days.