

Worry stones date back to ancient Greece, Mesopotamia, Tibet, the mounds and bogs of Ireland and to North American tribes as well. The Tibetans rubbed them in between thumb and forefinger while chanting mantras. The Irish believed that rubbing on a small piece of Connemara marble will free your life from all worries and bring good luck! These are worry word stones. If it helps to see words of hope and release endorphins through acupressure by rubbing stones between your thumb and fingers, then do so.

Worry is like a downpayment on a problem, you never even had. (Joyce Meyer)

Worry has babies and multiplies.

Worry can distract you with things that never happen, from the real things that are happening in your life.

Even IF the worse thing you worry about does happen, you will get through it.

God will be with you. He is the God of the valley, too Acts 22:24 “Only the ship will be destroyed”. Only one word stands between fear and faith. Fix your focus and keep up your courage.

The ships going down, but I am not.

Acts 27:43 Do you know how many times God has stepped in and intervened to protect you and save you from harm?

You are going to make it, but it might not be how you imagined. My faith is not how it will happen, but that it will happen.

When you get to the place you are going, God will have someone waiting in your future to help you accomplish His will.

Acts 28:5 Paul was bit by a viper from the fire. He shook it off and suffered no ill.

Shake the snake and feed the fire. God says, you gotta let the fear or disease bite you, but the glory is in shaking it off.

Shake off that test result. Shake off that prognosis. Shake it off into the same place where it comes from.

2 Timothy 1:7. God didn’t give you a spirit of fear, but of power and love and self-discipline. There is so much power in you that you can get bitten and shake it off. That’s when the people in your life will know there is a God.

God will deliver us through all our troubles. Keep your hope and be patient. Acts 16:22-30  “Suddenly”

When you have a problem like other people in the world and they see you navigating it with peace and trust in God, then suddenly when your deliverance and breakthrough comes, they cannot deny the power of God in your life and will know it is He who has done this in your life. Aggravations come in a series- there are seasons in life. Hold fast, tighten the belt of truth, know who you are in Christ, and “suddenly’ you will have a breakthrough.

For the righteous, it’s not 3 strikes and you are out. You can’t strike out. God surrounds the righteous with favor.

Favor: God will open doors for you that no man can open. God makes things work out for you. Joyce Meyer

Psalm 90:17  “And let the beauty (Favor) of the LORD our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it.”