
Taking the dream and making it real.

Dis- illusion-ment

Illusion is the dream, and disillusionment is necessary to take the dream and fit it into the current reality. It sounds like a bad experience, but it is actually the only way to reach your highest hopes and see wishes fulfilled.

Today, I was riding in the car with a friend and I said, “You have to try on different things to see what fits best”. I chatted lightly about things I thought I wanted but had “gotten out of my system”.

I have had lots of dreams and found that when I had the opportunity to embrace them- I didn’t really want all that came with them. Sometimes, we realize its just more fun to want some things than to have them.

Example: I thought I wanted to have more children when I was in my 40’s and toyed with the idea and went so far in my research there was almost no return. When faced with the reality- taking the dream and making it real- I felt a cold splash of reality and set that “dream” aside. Another example: I thought I wanted to circumnavigate the world in a sailboat. When faced with a real boat heaving and rocking in a hurricane, and again in a severe thunder storm praying to live, I asked myself- “what are you thinking”?  How in the world would dreamer me – the fanciful, imaginative child- have dealt with unpleasant privation and unpredictable danger? That dream became dust! Another dream for a pedigreed education came true but I found that it didn’t satisfy me nearly as much as I expected. In fact, in some ways, I wish for that time back to spend in a different way.  The energy required to succeed, incredible stress of projects and missing out on a “once in a lifetime” opportunity to take off to the Bahamas for the winter, turned the dream into a miniature nightmare of my own making.

Cher sang about wanting to turn back time in her signature wistful way.  There are dreams of relationships that I released, because the dream was greater than the reality. I didn’t want to be disillusioned. I wanted something that didn’t exist. It was a figment of my imagination.:) That’s what he said, “I’m not real- just a figment of your imagination”. Gotta love those Navy guys and of course, one special Major in the Army!
