Hard stops

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What is a hard stop? I have heard people use that term for technology. They meant- you can’t go on, if you don’t complete this part of the required documentation. I have heard this for meetings. It meant, we are not going over our one hour time limit no matter what because I have other things to do.

In the investment world, it means:  A price level that, if reached, will trigger an order to sell an underlying security. Hard stops are set at a constant price and are inherently good until cancelled. A hard stop is used to protect the downside of holding an investment by always being active, and is only triggered once the price reaches the specified stop level.

Key words- used to protect and triggered at a specified level

What does it mean in the spiritual world? According to Andrew Wommack, there are no hard stops for us. We are guided in what is right and wrong, by the still small voice and we are rewarded for “right living” with longevity and good health. He said we practice “free will”. The interventions come naturally from our actions- in other words, they are natural consequences for not heeding divine direction.

However, I think that is when divine providence steps in. Although we are never forced to abide by God’s will, we are often saved from our own decisions born of our free will. How does this work?

Think of it this way. A hard stop would be when we are heading in one direction and through no intent of our own, and despite our determination to keep going in our willful way, we can’t keep going. We hit a “hard stop”- either physically or metaphorically through some experience that creates a desire to change course. Sometimes we wish we knew how to get out of the situations that we find ourselves in. It’s a lot easier to get into a pickle than to get out of one.  We can wander into what seems to be a good idea, but it takes a lot of effort to get ourselves out of a mess.

When we realize it, we see how much we are like the story of Jonah- headed off in the opposite direction of where our future lies- we end up in a place that allows us to think. Thinking in the “belly of a whale”, is synonymous for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, for seeing what we should have seen without something bad happening, listening to our own intuition and believing the still small voice that probably advised us- this is not such a great idea, but if you are determined to proceed, then you certainly can. We get there on our own, but we quickly realize the only way out is to call for  help. Often that “help” requires a miracle. We call for strength, courage, determination, resoluteness, and divine intervention. How soon does the intervention come? When we are sure it’s beyond anything we could do on our own and we have come to the end of our rope. We are resigned to our fate and not sure what else to do. I am sure Jonah was more than happy to head off to Ninevah and preach to the people when he recognized the alternative.

Three Days and Three Nights

Some of us take a lot of convincing.

It’s better to hear the still small voice inside our hearts and minds and heed it. To do otherwise is to court disaster. We are not cats with 9 lives. We can’t count on divine providence because it is a sacred gift. To call it a game changer doesn’t do it justice, it is life changing. Treasure and honor the change in your course. Focus on what the lessons are and how you can reach a higher place in your life.  Every day is a new day- make better choices!