
Gossip: A person who habitually who reveals personal or sensational facts about others, rumor or report of an intimate nature, chatty talk, the subject matter of gossip, casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details that are not confirmed as being true, talebearer.
Proverbs 11:13 A talebearer revealeth secrets: but he that is of a faithful spirit concealeth the matter.
Two of my friends have this bad habit- gossiping.  They do it so naturally, they don’t even recognize it.
One is the local chief of the fire department. Imagine the personal information he has access to and sensational facts about others. He tells everything he knows, everything he hears and lots of things that are probably just “hearsay”. His source is a cousin of mine, so I ask myself- is this endemic?
The other friend works in my profession- one with ethical requirements that include confidentiality. She asks questions constantly, and then reveals your innermost secrets without even flinching when she is called on it.  How can you tell things you are told not to tell? How, indeed? Because you do it so often and so well, that it becomes part of who you are.
Charming, likable, well known, part of many local groups, involved in good community work- they have many good qualities.
However, this one weakness detracts from all their good work.
One said they saw a casual acquaintance and sat with them for an hour talking at a local restaurant- even had an extra tea.
What did they talk about? I don’t know…..just talked. That’s the key. They just talk and talk and talk……..the subject of the conversation doesn’t even know what will come from these conversations.  But, be sure, their names and something that was said will come back to bite them. I wonder if I am the unwitting victim of this same “talking”. They both text me and talk to me.
What am I saying or doing that can be repeated or become part of the gossip of the day?
It’s easier to see in someone else. I hope and pray, I am not unwittingly joining in the gossip party. Let me be more mindful.
Let everyone- take note- and be more considerate of what we allow ourselves to chit chat about that is not really any of our business. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  When we point out someone else’s failings, it deflects our own.
Speaking negativity over anyone or anything – telling the latest gossip or “being concerned” for things you have no way to improve or impact is unfruitful and can be harmful to the situations under discussion.  Refrain from loose talk and gossip/gossipers.
Spend your time, energy, thoughts and words on better things.
Phillipians 4:8
Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think about such things.