

Dr. James Merrit was in the USAF. He said they had two numbers they were required to memorize. The first one is 98.6. They were taught to find a way to stay warm in hardship. If their temperature dropped below 98.6 to 88, they were in trouble. If it dropped to 82, they were dead. The second number was 3. They knew they could live 3 weeks without food, 3 days without water, 3 minutes without air, but only 3 seconds without HOPE.

We may feel hopeless, but we are not hopeless. On this Easter Sunday, Jesus is alive. I Peter 1: 1-5 Jesus is our only hope. We have HOPE through our resurrected Lord.

What is Hope? According to Merriam Webster, hope is defined: 1. to cherish a desire with anticipation : to want something to happen or be true.  2. To desire with expectation of fulfillment. 3 to expect with confidence- trust. 4. someone or something on which hopes are centered- reliance

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1

Robin’s egg blue and sea green are my favorite colors. See the photo above- a nest of Robin’s eggs. Hope springs eternal. The birds  sing for Spring and start the cycle of life. They are not disturbed by lack of hope. They keep living. We cannot be so fearful of some possibility that we give up our known blessings. Sufficient for today are the troubles of today. Let’s have hope in tomorrow.

He’s Alive and so are we!