Hope’s Key


More and more professionals in heath care are coming to a better understanding of how childhood abuse or lifetime traumas change the brain, change behaviors, change their experiences of situations, change their view of their world and cause them to over react, living in fear, distress, distrust and finally lose all hope that their lives can be better.

Today, I found the Key to Hope told in graphic detail by someone who knows where to find it.

Can you imagine the difference it could make if we were all holding onto hope that tomorrow will be a better day?

The hope that you can endure anything and see it through to the end?

It starts with the little things, like loving your children, paying attention to small things- and as the Admiral’s book released this year states, Make your bed: Little things that can change your life and maybe the world. Do you require yourself and your children to practice making their beds every day? It’s the little things we learn and practice every day that build the life we end up with. His story of how the Navy Seals start with 150 men and end up with 40 or so ends on their survival through “Hell Week” was born from encouraging each other. Hope is free to share and infectious. If you and God believe you can- you are sure to succeed.

Hope brings meaning to everything that happens in our lives.

Hope springs eternal in the human breast; 
Man never is, but always to be blest. 
The soul, uneasy and confined from home, 
Rests and expatiates in a life to come.” 
-Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man, 1733
Chapter One starts with “Start your day with a task completed” and ends in Chapter 10 with “Never, ever quit”
Looks like there is a good reason to be the #1 New York Times bestseller!!! Let me order mine from Amazon now and hear everything he has to say- he is an amazingly good speaker if you listened to his podcast!

Make your bed