Your palm

Hummingbird 7.29.17

What are you holding in the palm of your hand?

There are songs about being safe in the palm of His hand. These are the words to one of them…..

1. When the storms are raging I’ll not be afraid. God holds me in the palm of His hand. When my ship is drifting and the sails are frayed, God holds me in the palm of his hand. (chorus) *Thank God, thank God, He’s a refuge, a shelter from the storm, a firm foundation upon which I stand, thank God, thank God, I’m in the palm of His hand.*  2. Though the world may crumble I’ll still praise His name, God holds me in the palm of His hand. I’ll shout it from the mountains, I’ll not be ashamed, God holds me in the palm of his hands. Tag: (Now I know He is mine, and I’m His forever. He’s leading me on life’s way, He’s a firm foundation upon which I stand, thank God, thank God, I’m in the palm of His hand, HIS HAND!!)

We used to sing this old hymn in the country church. It’s comforting to think of being safe in the palm of a kind hand. My friend rescued this hummingbird on her back porch. She said at first, when she brought her outside, she played dead for a bit. But, then she realized there was no danger, shook herself off and buzzed away to the top of a maple tree.

Seeing this picture reminds me of how many times we have choices in the palm of our hands. We may have two good choices or three, but we must choose which one we keep. If we try to hold on to too many, we will crush them all and have none left. That’s where I am today. Three good choices and I don’t know which is best for me. I know which is best for my safety and security needs, but not which one meets my higher needs.  When you reach a crossroads, you must choose the next path. Time will tell!