kitchen cabinets


Last week, I heard an accomplished professional state that “Kitchen Cabinets” were the key to her success. Then, she said, “They helped her make sure her ladder was propped up against the right places”, so when she did what it took, she arrived successfully.

What ladder?  A ladder is defined as: a structure consisting of a series of bars or steps between two upright lengths of wood, metal, or rope, used for climbing up or down something. In British slang- a “run” in tights or stockings. In my circle- ” a pecking order”. In careers, its a pathway to success through a series of steps or stages by which someone moves up to a higher or better position.

Kitchen cabinets? She wasn’t talking about the standard set full of groceries and dishes. She was making a play on words for the people she had been privileged to have gather around her kitchen cabinets. Those people were her friends and colleagues. They helped her make good judgments, pulled her ladder back away from the wrong buildings or projects and helped her find the right project to prop her ladder against and push upward without a qualm, right to the top.

I learned a valuable lesson in a few brief sentences. It doesn’t matter how many opportunities come your way. You need advice from those with your best interest at heart to know which ones  to choose and where they will lead.

Hindsight is 20/20. It’s easier to see things when you have some distance. So, who are my kitchen cabinet? How did I choose them? Who are yours? Think about it.