Little dogs do

Do you remember that book by PD Eastman?

Big Dog, Little Dog?big dog little dog

“Two dogs who are opposite in every way are also the best of friends. The bold, colorful drawings are appealing and emphasize the concepts of size, color, and opposites.”–

My kids absolutely loved it! I did too. I liked the idea that Ted and Fred were best friends, even though they were totally different- opposites in every way.

Is that such a hard concept to master?  I think there are so many times when the media or outside sources focus on differences or offenses, when most kids realize and many adults do too- we are all more alike than different. Finding similarities and offering tolerance are easier when you have that deep down in your soul. We are all the same on the inside.

Now, you wonder, what do little dogs do? They do the same things big dogs do. They eat, sleep, play, bark, poop, run, shed, sit for treats, miss you when you are away, etc.

What did I see a big dog do today, that a little dog might wish they could do?

paddle board dogSuch a sight to behold: A man paddling a board, with a labradadoodle perched completely still- on the front of his board. He paddled slowly up the creek and later, the two of them returned.

I don’t think a little dog would sit that still or have those kinds of “nerves of steel”.

They would surely have to back up- step ahead, catch a fish, bark and lose their balance, need to potty- who knows, but I can almost guarantee that there are no little dogs traveling very far on a paddle board.


What do little dogs do? They miss you. Dogs at windowThey say, “come back”, “wait”, “I want to go too”. They promise the moon, if you will come back soon.

When you return, its a homecoming like you’ve never seen.

They don’t treat you with a cold shoulder or a blasé attitude. It’s welcome home, we are so glad to see you again!


What else do little dogs do? They pose beautifully. dog wishThey watch expectantly. They fit on chairs and laps. They watch birds and squirrels with you. They sit by your side or walk alongside. They are companions.

Of course, big dogs might do all these things too, I just don’t have one!!

So, I can only report what little dogs do. And might I add, do exceedingly well.

For anyone who doesn’t understand “Fur Therapy”, it’s a special kind of relaxation technique. It’s the touch of total unconditional acceptance. It’s non-fattening. It’s without dreaded side effects. It doesn’t cost much more than some healthy food for the dog and general concern for their well being. It’s much safer than those items advertised on TV for the downhearted or temporarily unhappy. One day, these therapist will probably be “on duty” at all major teaching facilities to help speed recovery. Its just amazing what “little dogs & big dogs” can do!