power of water

Heron_0According to this deck of Medicine Cards:

The heron symbolizes vigilance, quiet, the power of water, the underworld, tact. As they delicately move, they are grace personified. They are considered to represent both life and transformation.

According to me, when a blue heron arrives in my back yard, it’s time to embrace a big change. So, get ready cause here it comes! No, I have no idea what “it” will be or what “it” will look like. I can only wait with baited breath to see what the next steps will be.

Herons are lessons in patience. They are the ones who observe and wait, moving swiftly when the time is right. This is the dichotomy of life. Learning to wait and then learning to move quickly to seize the moment. It’s that “knowing” when to stay and when to go, when to wait and when to move, when to choose and when to let it ride that drives us batty. What is the decision maker? How do we know when we should take the leap and make a move- decide and act?

Well, I get a “stop in your tracks” moment, when I see this majestic bird Great Blue Heron

looking back at me.  If you have been listening, I last saw a Great Blue Heron in December of 2010. That’s when I started this unusual journey, following what I felt was right for me, but against the mainstream. I have been traveling on my own little path of life, but wow, how it has led me to unexpected discoveries.

About 10 years ago, I was fortunate to live on the water. It was a good place in my life. This is another good place. What is the common denominator? Yes, it’s the “power of water” and the life giving properties of water. If you have any medical background, you know that you cannot live without water. You can sustain with water and nothing else for a prolonged period, but you won’t last three days without water. It is life’s blood, a powerful source of nutrients and elimination, communication and movement within a high functioning machine- YOU- yourself. Everyone is dependent on water.

What is the “Power of Water”? A company focused on engineering aspects of water called Wet? We have tried to harness the power of water for eternities. Or erosion starting with rain drops and how something we drink can cut through stone? Or ways to cross it or collect it or keep it or sell it? Or the meaning of words in water like Dr. Emoto researches?Bridge Photo

What if the true power of water was an unspoken molecular communication that cuts deeper than a two edged sword? What if the power of water symbolized in the great blue heron throughout the ages in spiritual and cultural beliefs is an energy exchange?

What if the wading birds, like the great blue heron, are able to tap into it? How do they feel when a fish is near? How do you feel when you are near moving water? I feel totally relaxed and energized at the same time. That’s an amazing feeling. It’s like being on a bike ride that is sitting still. It’s like watching yourself mow the grass. It’s an out of body experience!! 🙂  I believe there are electron energy transfers between the water outside us ( when it is in close proximity) and the water inside us. That electron exchange alters our chemistry and gives us the serenity of a brain chemical release. Perhaps, there is a brain chemical release? I need a real scientist to test this theory!! Do we know one? Send him to me!!!


To Native Americans, the blue heron brings messages of self-determination. Herons represent the ability to move forward with life and change as needed. The long thin legs
illustrate that we don’t need massive pillars to remain upright, just enough for stability.

Key features of people with heron totems :A NEED to follow their own wisdom and path of self determination.  Follow your heart and listen to your inner wisdom. Funny how we all get to the same place, if we live long enough. I recently heard about Adrianna Huffington’s new book.

The third metric of success after power and money, is ” wellbeing, wisdom & wonder”.Huffington


How did it get so late so soon?

It’s night before it’s afternoon.

December is here before it’s June.

My goodness,how the time has flewn.

How did it get so late, so soon?

Quoted as Dr. Seuss

STAY ON YOUR UNIQUE PATH and pursue your dreams. You only live once and time is a moving target. Make the best choices with your time!