Shifting circumstances

Are the people or the circumstances likely to change here?

Rick at Boat Sale

What are shifting circumstances? What if we saw an item we wanted at this Marine Yard Sale and didn’t get it on the first pass? We wanted it, but what if it wasn’t there when we went back? Did we change or did the circumstances shift? Someone else bought it.

Do we ever really change or is it our circumstances that change and we adjust to them? What else do we know that shifts? The world turns on its axis to create day, night, seasons and temperature changes. We don’t expect the earth to stop turning. Why would we expect ourselves to stop being our unique self?

In agriculture, there is a “shifting cultivation” land-use system for farming in which a tract of land is cultivated until its fertility diminishes, when it is abandoned until this is restored naturally. In the South, the government paid farmers to put their land in “Soil Bank” for this same natural means to allow the soil to rest and be used for better production in future years.

Then, we have the “shifting sands”,used to refer to changes that happen as time passes.

I was strongly considering leasing a house I have been using for the last few months and signing a year’s contract. Just as I reached the decision point, the circumstances changed. He called and said he had an offer to purchase. So, we are back to decision point 2, waiting to see what happens with his possible sale and if I will want to lease it once he comes back to me. Things change. I was sitting on the fence, on signing. Now, I might fall down on either side- but a different side- based on the circumstances.

Recently, I have been job hunting. Today, the newest and highest authority at work called me in for a chat. It was a game changer- she thinks all the things that I think. If she can make those things happen, the circumstances I find myself in would be radically different and I might choose to stay here instead of finding another job.

Bonner-Bridge1-300x187 small      What changed? Me or my circumstances?