
spinnaker way offWhat do you see?

I see the wind. Nothing captures the look of wind like a full blown spinnaker. Unfortunately, every time I spot one, the wind disappears and so does the spinnaker. More than once, the sailor has been pulling down his colorful sail just as the boat was close enough to get a snapshot.

spinnaker in background

Have I considered purchasing a better camera? Yes, I am seriously looking at the cost and comparing the options. What do you suggest? I am finally ready!

You can’t see the wind, but it’s there. You can’t predict the wind, but you can get a good idea of which way its blowing by watching what the air moves. Maybe, that’s why I am fascinated with spinnakers- they work best when sailing downwind. We are after all just Dust in the Wind . Sailing along, tossed too and fro, landing wherever life leads.