
Well, say hello to the First Day of Spring, 2016!  Funny thing about how long it takes to figure some things out.  When I was in grade school, we memorized the first day of each season starting on the 21st for four months during the year- March 21, June 21,, September 21 and December 21. I heard about equinox and solstice. Today, I finally connected the dots. So, the dates of the year might change, but it occurs for everyone on earth on the same date. Today, is the day!! We have the start of Spring or Vernal Equinox.

It’s the earliest equinox since the late 1800’s. Who kept up with all this before the internet?

Today is Palm Sunday. As Jesus entered Jerusalem on what we celebrate as Palm Sunday the people rejoiced and shouted “Hosanna!” (John 12:12-19). First day of Spring and Palm Sunday- all on the same day!

It’s a pretty great day for me, because I am seeing new things in a new place and doing new things. I have a job interview 3000 miles away from my current home/job. I am trying to keep my self steady and focused on what should be my next good decision.

It always helps to be seeing flowering cherry blossoms and hearing birds singing. It’s a good time to make a new start- isn’t that what Spring reminds you of? New growth, new blooms, new grass season- time to start mowing again!!